Saturday, December 1, 2012

wonderful nugget of conversation

I just found this wonderful nugget of conversation [unfortunately, the originals seem to be taken down], between the two co-founders of oDesk, Odysseas Tsatalos (OT) and Stratis Karamanlakis (SK), while trying to pick a name for their new company, back in August 2002:
OT – …how about [Ed. note - Odysseas had worked with an outsourcing firm called "nostaff" while with a previous company.] SK – sure, that sounds like a positive name for a company OT – I bet people have taken the …sh*t its still available SK – odesk is no good, look for idesk or edesk.. OT – You won’t believe but almost every other letter is taken for *desk unless if you prefer SK – I still don’t like it.. OT – you would have liked it if it were sdesk SK – har har.. OT – We can stick a globe instead of the O you know SK – . OT – Or we can make it 0desk (zerodesk.) SK – stop it OT – I am taking it and when you find a better one we change it….


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